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Funding Opportunities for Research Postgraduate Students in Open Access Publishing
The HKU Libraries commits to promoting Open Scholarship, which includes enabling open access (OA) to research publications, by providing financial support to HKU authors. The funding schemes encourage current HKU research postgraduate (RPg) students to make their publications freely accessible by the public immediately upon publication, which may bring potential benefits such as higher research visibility, increased research impact, and more potential collaboration opportunities.
Two funding schemes are available to RPg students for OA publishing:

Full Article Processing Charge (APC) waivers via Transformative Agreements
HKU RPg students who are corresponding authors can enjoy full Article Processing Charge (APC) waivers when publishing OA in eligible journals with partner publishers who have signed a Transformative Agreement (TA) with the Libraries.
The current partner publishers are Cambridge University Press, Cold Spring Habor Laboratory Press, the Institute of Physics, Karger, the Microbiology Society, Portland Press, and Wiley & Hindawi.
The HKU Libraries will continue negotiating with more potential partners. Please refer to the most updated list of partner publishers and agreement details for each partner at https://libguides.lib.hku.hk/openaccess/ta

HKU Libraries Open Access Author Fund
The HKU Libraries also supports HKU authors who publish in OA with other publishers.
Current HKU RPg students who will publish with publishers other than HKUL’s TA partner publishers can apply for the HKU Libraries Open Access Author Fund and enjoy reimbursement for actual expenses up to US$2,000 per article for OA APCs. Funding is limited and offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Fund for the financial year of 2023–24 is now open for application. Learn more about the eligibility requirements, terms and conditions, and application procedures at https://libguides.lib.hku.hk/openaccess/OA-Fund
Enquiries: Email-a-Librarian (please select “To: Open Access” on the email form).