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Awards and Achievements
The University works extensively in promoting and expanding opportunities for students to engage in research activities to strengthen their research capability and gain hands-on experience. In this issue, we are proud to introduce some of the high-quality work and awards received by our research postgraduate students, whose achievements shine across multiple disciplines in the international arena and local community.
- Faculty of Arts
Student Engages in Meaningful Discussions with Experts and Scholars in the Realm of Buddhist Studies
Students presented brief oral introductions on their PhD dissertations duringthe Roundtable Networking Dinner.
PhD student Venerable Xiang Hong from the Centre of Buddhist Studies joined twenty PhD students from universities around the globe at the ‘Ritual and Materiality in Buddhism and Asian Religions International Conference’ held at Princeton University in June 2023. The event was co-sponsored by Professor Stephen F. Teiser from Princeton University and Professor Shih-shan Susan Huang from Rice University.
At the Roundtable Networking Dinner, Xiang made a presentation titled ‘A Critical Study and Annotated Translation of Fazhao’s Ritual Manual of the Five-Tempo Intonation of the Name of the Buddha for Recitation of Scripture and Contemplation of Pure Land’, and engaged in discussions with experts, scholars, and other students within the realm of Buddhist studies, such as literature, poetry, sculpture, printing, cave inscriptions, and art.
Attendees also had the opportunity to visit The Firestone Library in Princeton University, which showcases a remarkable collection of rare books, including Buddhist sutras, commentaries, and ritual manuals from the early Tang Dynasty to the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties.
Xiang said, “I am immensely delighted and privileged to have had the opportunity to represent the Centre of Buddhist Studies of HKU, as well as the Chinese monastic community, on a global platform. It is my sincere hope that Buddhist studies will receive increased attention and recognition in the academic realm.”
- Faculty of Education
PhD Student Gains Valuable Experience during a Summer School in Germany
Chi Wui Ng attended a summer school at Paderborn University in Germany.
Chi Wui Ng, a PhD candidate from the Academic Unit of Social Contexts and Policies of Education, attended a summer school on ‘Approaches to Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education’ at Paderborn University in Germany.
Beyond acquiring subject knowledge and developing research methods, the summer school helped Chi Wui to cultivate a scientific attitude towards problem-solving. In a world where information is constantly expanding, true intelligence lies not in possessing vast knowledge, but rather in recognising the importance of conducting research, using scientific methods to solve personal and societal issues, and being able to differentiate truth from falsehood.
“It was a great opportunity for me to reflect on the value of scientific research, rethink my future career path, critically scrutinize my doctoral research project, network with future academic stars, and gain a solid foundation in research methods,” shared Chi Wui. “I believe the generic skills and multicultural perspectives acquired will be beneficial to my future career, and I will never forget the wonderful people I met there.”
- Faculty of Engineering
Engineering Student Awarded HKIE Best Transactions Paper Prize 2023
Chaobin Li receiving the HKIE Best Transactions Paper Prize at the Presidential Address and Dinner on 15 September 2023.
Chaobin Li, a PhD student from the Department of Civil Engineering—along with his team members, Ir Professor Wei Pan, Professor Pong Chi Yuen, and Ir Dr Ray K.L. Su—has been awarded the HKIE Best Transactions Paper Prize 2023. This recognition by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) underscored the importance of innovative research within the engineering field.
Their collaborative work, ‘Multiple Structural Defect Detection for Reinforced Concrete Buildings Using YOLOv5s’, introduces a significant enhancement to civil engineering practices. The study leveraged the YOLOv5s algorithm to improve the detection of structural defects, which is critical for the upkeep and safety of existing infrastructure. The work in the paper was recognised for its precise detection capabilities and swift processing, offering new avenues for maintaining buildings, especially in urban settings such as Hong Kong.
Click here to read the awarded paper.
- Faculty of Law
HKU Law Student Contributes to International Legal Frameworks
Prakritee Yonzon completed a Private Law Course at The Hague Academy of International Law in the Netherlands.
Prakritee Yonzon, a PhD student from the Department of Law, was awarded a prestigious full scholarship to attend the Private Law Course at The Hague Academy of International Law in the Netherlands this summer. The course, celebrating its 100th anniversary, was attended by over 200 participants from 60 different countries. During her time at The Hague Academy, Prakritee delved into a wide range of captivating topics on private law, including international commercial arbitration, cryptocurrency, property rights of individuals, specialised courts, and conflict of laws.
Prakritee was also awarded a scholarship to be a research scholar at The International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) in Rome, where she conducted her research on the emerging disputes under the Belt and Road Initiative in South Asia. At the same time, she contributed to the Working Group on International Investment Contracts, a project jointly undertaken by UNIDROIT and the International Chamber of Commerce’s Institute of World Business Law. “My research experience in Rome was enriching both to understand the larger context of investment law as well as add context to my PhD research,” Prakritee said. “I had easy access to an abundance of material on the history of investment laws and arbitration at UNIDROIT. Besides that, the research environment was conducive to work.”
Recently, Prakritee also won the 2nd runner-up prize in the HK45 2023 Essay Writing Competition with an article focusing on the admissibility versus jurisdiction debate regarding pre-conditions to arbitration as well as the rationale behind.
- LKS Faculty of Medicine
Medical Student Gains Enriching Experiences at Recent Conferences on Obesity and Healthy Ageing
Kumar Manish (middle) had enlightening discussions with research scholars at the Asia-Oceania Conference on Obesity 2023.
Kumar Manish, a PhD student from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, participated in the ‘Oceania Conference on Obesity 2023’ and the ‘17th International Symposium on Healthy Aging’, and had the opportunity to share knowledge and participate in thought-provoking conversations in diverse subjects.
At the conference, Kumar delivered a presentation on the applications of the microbiome in women’s healthcare. “I delved into the potential of specific microbiota to assist doctors in diagnosing diseases and predicting healthcare outcomes. This experience allowed me to appreciate the transformative potential of microbiome research and its impact on women’s health,” Kumar shared.
“Presenting to diverse audiences has not only bolstered my confidence but also equipped me with the necessary skills to effectively convey information,” Kumar added. “These experiences have provided me with a solid foundation for future endeavours.”
In addition to his participation in the healthcare conferences, Kumar has recently published two articles in Reproductive and Developmental Medicine: ‘Impact of Microbiota on Female Fertility and Gynecological problems’ and ‘Multiomics Approaches to Uncover Endometrial Receptivity in Embryo Implantation: A Mini-review’.
- Faculty of Science
HKU Earth Science Students Participate in a Groundbreaking Expedition
Chong Sheng and Tao Yang participated in an international joint
drilling expedition in the northern South China Sea.
Chong Sheng and Tao Yang, PhD students from the Hydrogeology Research Group of the Department of Earth Sciences led by Professor Jiu Jimmy Jiao, participated in an international joint drilling expedition in the northern South China Sea this summer. The expedition was organised by the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey, China Geological Survey. The project aimed to investigate the Paleo-Pearl River Delta on the continental shelf, focusing on the distribution, storage, and formation mechanisms of offshore freshened groundwater (OFG).
The expedition took place between 27 July and 28 August 2023, overcoming challenges posed by a typhoon. The offshore borehole reached a total depth of 302.07 meters below the seafloor, setting a record for the deepest Quaternary borehole on the continental shelf of the South China Sea. Chong played a crucial role as the leader of the Seawater and Interstitial Water Research Group and as a member of the shipboard scientist strategy team.
Understanding OFG in large-river deltaic estuaries (LDEs) and adjacent shelves is essential for enhancing coastal societies’ resiliency to rising water demands; it plays a vital role in benthic and sub-seafloor biogeochemical cycles in coastal ecosystems. The expedition sought to address fundamental questions related to OFG in LDEs and their adjacent shelves, exploring hotspots for OFG storage, formation mechanisms, and primary water sources.
PhD Student Wins the IOM3 Young Persons’ Lecture Competition (Hong Kong Heat) 2023Zihan Liu won the IOM3 Young Persons’ Lecture Competition (Hong Kong Heat) 2023.
PhD student Zihan Liu from the Department of Earth Sciences won the championship of the Young Persons’ Lecture Competition (Hong Kong Heat) held by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) in August 2023 with his presentation on ‘How does thermal shock affect rocks?’. Through theoretical and experimental investigation, Zihan’s research further expands the knowledge of geotechnical engineering disciplines and promotes the development of deep underground space and energy.
He expressed his excitement: “It is my great honour to be selected as the winner of the Young Persons’ Lecture Competition (HK Heat) 2023. I enjoyed sharing my research and learning from the other participants. I’d like to thank the organiser, esteemed judges, and IOM3-HK branch for providing an excellent opportunity for young researchers to share their insightful studies. I wish to convey my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Dr Louis N.Y. Wong, for his endless encouragement and guidance.”
Zihan went on to represent Hong Kong at the Young Persons’ World Lecture Competition Final in November 2023.
Exploring Frontiers on Quantum Physics via Academic Exchanges beyond BordersDr Jiarui Zhao (far left) and Xiaoxue Ran (third from right) with
members of the Condensed Matter Theory group at the Laboratoire
de Physique Théorique of the University of Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier.
PhD student Xiaoxue Ran and Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Jiarui Zhao from the Department of Physics took a transformative three-week journey to France in November to embody the spirit of intellectual exploration. The focal point of their adventure included an inspiring two-day conference nestled in the heart of Paris, followed by a fortnight of academic exchange in the vibrant city of Toulouse.
At the conference ‘Quantum Information: Theory and Applications’ held at the CY Cergy Paris University, Xiaoxue and Jiarui were warmly welcomed by the conference organiser, Professor Andreas Honecker, a member of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics and Modelling. The conference unveiled cutting-edge theories and groundbreaking applications in the fields of quantum computing, quantum simulation, and algorithms, where Xiaoxue and Jiarui found themselves immersed in exchanges with scholars across the globe.
Their journey continued as they ventured southward to Toulouse for a two-week academic exchange, where they had a chance to meet their collaborators at the Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, a joint organisation between the French National Centre for Scientific Research and the University of Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier. Apart from engaging in stimulating discussions with the Condensed Matter Theory group, Jiarui and Xiaoxue also joined the Journal Club activities of the Fermions Fortement Corrélés group, where Jiarui presented on entanglement entropy in quantum spin systems, while Xiaoxue shared insights on the phase diagrams of quantum constrained models.
Amidst their scholarly pursuits, Xiaoxue and Jiarui also found solace in embracing the French culture, beautiful architecture, and natural landscapes there. By the end of the visit, their minds were brimming with newfound knowledge and inspiration.
“This trip was truly exhilarating and unforgettable. The stimulating discussions with physicists there were very inspiring, and I thoroughly enjoyed engaging in brainstorming with them. Although the duration of this trip may be short, it will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on my life,” Xiaoxue said. “The academic exchange has not only given me much inspiration for new research ideas but also served as a good channel for scientific collaborations between Hong Kong and France,” Jiarui echoed.
This exchange activity was supported by the ANR/RGC Joint Research Scheme of the UGC (Project No. A_HKU703/22), co-led by Professor Zi Yang Meng and his collaborators.
(Please click here to view the full article by Xiaoxue Ran.)