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Quantum Education Society: Shaping the Future of Quantum Education and Research

QES banner

The Quantum Education Society (QES)  is a dynamic and innovative student interest group within our postgraduate community. Based in the Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing, it is dedicated to exploring the exciting realm of quantum education and research. Comprising passionate students and researchers, the society serves as a hub for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and hands-on exploration in the field of quantum physics. This dynamic group of students is contributing to exploring and promoting advancements in quantum education, and fostering a community of passionate learners and researchers in this cutting-edge field.A key focus of the QES is to provide new resources and opportunities for postgraduate students interested in quantum education. Through the QES, students can access funding opportunities, state-of-the-art facilities, and mentorship programmes to support their academic and research endeavours. These resources play a crucial role in nurturing the next generation of quantum scholars and innovators.

InnoCarnival Event held at Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks

Booth  hosted at the InnoCarnival Event held at Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks, with students demonstrating their project. 

Led by a team of enthusiastic students working under the supervision of Dr Zhiqin Chu and Dr Ngai Wong from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the QES has been actively engaged in organising workshops, seminars, and collaborative projects to enhance understanding and interest in quantum education among students and faculty members alike. Through these initiatives, the QES aims to create a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and skill development in quantum education.

One of the key QES projects is the development of interactive learning modules and resources that make complex quantum concepts accessible and engaging for students at all levels. These resources are designed to spark curiosity, facilitate hands-on learning experiences, and inspire the next generation of quantum educators and researchers. In addition to academic pursuits, the QES also focuses on outreach activities to raise awareness about quantum education in the wider community.

By participating in science fairs, community events, and school visits, QES members are actively contributing to the popularisation of quantum education and its potential impact on society.

Laboratory experience

Postgraduate students performing the experiments themselves and gaining hands-on laboratory experience. 


Booth at the Entrepreneur Day

Entrepreneurship training of our students hosting a booth at the Entrepreneur Day held by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, and showcasing the developed Quantum Demonstration Kit at the Industry Forum with Dr Zhiqin Chu. (Bottom right): Pitching our idea to Professor Dong Sun (Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry).


Quantum Demonstration Kit

A developed Quantum Demonstration Kit installed in the laboratory for teaching purposes.

Please click on the following links to explore more about the QES and its projects:
•    https://innoacademy.engg.hku.hk/20231115_workshop/
•    https://innowings.engg.hku.hk/quantum-bit-demonstrator/
•    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6c9H3eZQpE4

The QES welcomes all students to join. For enquiries, please contact the Team Leader Mr Madhav Gupta, PhD   student, from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at madhav20@hku.hk

The Quantum Education Society would like to acknowledge support from the Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing, Precision Biosensing and Biophysics Lab, Philomathia Foundation Innovation Fund, Teaching Development Grant, and HKUEAA Experiential Learning Fund.