
Course Exemption

Course Exemption Criteria

Students who have successfully completed a required course or its equivalent, either from HKU or a comparable institution, may apply for course exemption. For exemption from the Graduate School coursework components, students should have met the following criteria:

Graduate School Module

Course Exemption Criteria
Module 2: Introduction to Qualitative/Quantitative Research Methods Successfully completed the required course or its equivalent, either from HKU or a comparable institution
Module 3: Thesis Writing
Module 4: Responsible Conduct of Research
Module 5: Stream-based Responsible Conduct of Research
Module 6: GRSC6108 Online Transferable Skills Programme
  • Successfully completed the required course or its equivalent, either from HKU or a comparable institution; or
  • Possess full-time work experience for at least 6 months

Application Procedures

To apply for course exemption, students should submit the application form, together with the supporting document (eg. relevant syllabus and official transcript), preferably before the course selection period, but no later than two weeks before commencement of the semester. Exemption from courses is considered on a case-by-case basis.