Course Selection Procedures
Course Selection Procedures

Course Selection Procedures

Online Course Enrolment

Course enrolment is to be conducted online via the Student Information System (SIS) (HKU Portal > Student Information System > SIS Menu > Enrollment > Enrollment Add Classes). Enrolment in Semester 1 courses is generally scheduled in August/early September and that for Semester 2 courses in December/January. The Graduate School will inform students of the exact course enrolment period via email. Information will also be posted on the Graduate School website.

Students may refer to the Quick Guide on Course Enrollment for RPg Students for the enrolment procedures. In case of technical problems, please contact the ITS Service Desk at (852) 3917-0123 or or live chat at

Course Enrolment Schedule (Semester 1, 2024/25)


August 5, 2024 (9:00 a.m.) – August 8, 2024

Students can login to SIS to preview courses on offer and familiarise themselves with the system before the start of the course enrolment period. However, enrolment will be restricted during the period. 

Students are advised to take note of the coursework requirements and consult their supervisor(s) on their course selection. 


August 9, 2024 (9:00 a.m.) – August 12, 2024

  • Part-time students
  • Students in the last semester of probation
  • Students under HKU-SUSTech Joint Education Programme for PhD

August 13, 2024 (9:00 a.m.) – August 20, 2024 (5:00 p.m.)

  • All students

Students should enrol in both Graduate School courses and Faculty/School/Departmental courses during the period. 

All courses offered by the Graduate School have quota restriction and enrolment will be time-stamped. Approval of Graduate School courses will be on a first-come-first-served basis. If the enrolment status remains pending for over 2 working days, the selected class is likely to be in high demand and students are advised to change to another subclass. At the end of the course enrolment period, pending enrolment requests will be disapproved for classes that are full.


September 4, 2024 (9:00 a.m.) – September 11, 2024 (5:00 p.m.)

Students may change their course enrolment during the add-drop period. 

New students who registered after the course enrolment period may also enrol in courses during the period. 

Note: Students who are on non-study leave are not eligible for taking courses during the leave period.

Course Enrolment or Change of Courses After the On-line Add-Drop Period

Students who have a genuine need to change their course selection or add new courses after the add-drop period are required to seek endorsement from their supervisor(s) and Chairperson of the Departmental Research Postgraduate Committee (DRPC), and submit the corresponding application form below to the Graduate School or the home Faculty, as appropriate. 

For use only AFTER the online add-drop period (Semester 1, 2024/25: on or after September 11, 2024)

For Graduate School Courses:
Application for Change of Graduate School Course Enrolment (54/1122)

For Faculty/School/Departmental Courses:
Application for Change of Faculty/Departmental Course Enrolment (55/1122 amended)

All Graduate School compulsory modules (except module 6) are one-off face-to-face class sessions. In case students perceive that they will not be able to attend class after enrolment, request for dropping the module should reach the Graduate School as soon as possible BEFORE class commencement.  Students who are absent from an enrolled class will be awarded “NC - Not Complete” and will be required to re-take the module in the following semester.