

Application Fee

HK$150 for payment via the on-line application system

Composition Fee for 2024/25 (payable in two instalments)

Full-time: HK$42,100 per year
Part-time: HK$63,000 per year


  1. The fees are reviewed annually.
  2. The composition fee for 2025/26, 2026/27 and 2027/28 will be HK$44,500, HK$47,000 and HK$49,500 respectively.  The composition fee will be subject to the prevailing rate of the year of study.
  3. The University Grants Committee waives composition fees for all local students enrolled in full-time UGC-funded RPg programmes with effect from July 1, 2018.
    Click here for details.
  4. Part-time research degree programmes are offered on a self-funded basis.

Please click here for the schedule of fees.