Faculty of Architecture
[Details of courses offered in Semester 2, 2024/25 are available here.]
Department of Architecture
Requirement - 1 compulsory course and 3 elective courses from the Taught Postgraduate Programmes offered by the Faculty. (effective from Jan 2016)
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)ARCH6057 Research Methods Seminar C
2 courses from the Taught Postgraduate Programmes (MArch/MLA) offered by the Department
1 course from the Taught Postgraduate Programmes offered by the Faculty, subject to approval.
Course offerings may vary from year to year.
E Department of Real Estate & Construction
Requirements for students registered in or after September 2022
Requirement - 1 compulsory course and 3 elective courses from the list below:
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)RECO6022 Research Seminar II C
RECO6021 Research Seminar I E
RECO6024 Research Seminar III E
RECO6045 Sustainable development and property rights E RECO6071 Sustainable Construction and Organizational Theory E Course(s) from the Taught Postgraduate Programmes offered by the Faculty, subject to approval.
Course offerings may vary from year to year.
Requirements for students registered between January 2016 and August 2022
Requirement - 2 compulsory courses and 2 elective courses from the list below:
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)RECO6022 Research Seminar II C
RECO6021 Research Seminar I E
RECO6024 Research Seminar III E
RECO6071 Sustainable Construction and Organizational Theory E - One of the following courses in Sustainable Development:
- RECO6045 Sustainable development and property rights; or
- Any postgraduate course in Sustainable Development endorsed by the DRPC
C - Course(s) from the Taught Postgraduate Programmes offered by the Faculty, subject to approval.
Course offerings may vary from year to year.
Department of Urban Planning and Design
Requirement - 2 compulsory courses and 2 elective courses from the Taught Postgraduate Programmes offered by the Department.
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)URBP6001 Research Seminar C
UPAD7001 Research Design Seminar Series C Courses from the Taught Postgraduate Programmes offered by the Faculty, subject to approval.
Course offerings may vary from year to year.
Faculty of Arts
[Details of courses offered in Semester 2, 2024/25 are available here.]
Centre for Applied English Studies
Requirement - 1 compulsory course and 2 elective courses from the list below.
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)MAAL6028 Introduction to Research Methods C
MAAL6002 Second Language Curricula E
MAAL6029 Second Language Acquisition E
MAAL6030 Understanding Language Through Grammar E
MAAL7005 Spoken Discourse Analysis E Or other applicable courses offered in the MA in Applied Linguistics programme. E
MAAL6028 can be taken in lieu of the compulsory Graduate School Course "GRSC6104 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Humanities)" or "GRSC6106 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods (Humanities)".School of Chinese
Requirement - 2 compulsory courses, CHIN6002 and CHIN6003, from the list below.
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)CHIN6002 Special Topics in Chinese Studies C, see (i)
CHIN6003 Seminar C, see (i)
CHIN7802 Thesis Development and Professional Skills for Chinese Studies E, see (i) & (ii) Notes:
(i) All courses should be completed by the end of the probationary period except for CHIN6003 which can be finished by the end of the candidature.(ii) CHIN7802 can be taken in lieu of the compulsory Graduate School Course "GRSC6104 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Humanities)" or "GRSC6106 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods (Humanities)" of Module 2 & "GRSC6120 Introduction to Thesis Writing (Humanities)" of Module 3, but it is not counted towards fulfilling the departmental coursework requirement of 2 compulsory courses.
School of English
Requirement - ENGL6001, ENGL6070, ENGL7011 and 1 elective course from the list below.
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)ENGL6001 Research Seminar C
ENGL6003 Guided Reading Course E
ENGL6053 Special Topics in English Studies E
ENGL6056 Cultural Semiotics E
ENGL6070 Introduction to Thesis Writing in English Studies C
(see Note (i) below)
ENGL6073 Introduction to Literature and Cross-cultural Theory E
ENGL6075 The Politics of English E
ENGL6079 World Modernisms E
ENGL6080 Travel Writing and Culture E
ENGL6081 Global Fictions E
ENGL6083 Post-Colonial Representations E
ENGL7011 Research Methods C
(see Note (ii) below)
ENGL7101 Introduction to Language and Communication E ENGL7102 Global Englishes E ENGL7103 New Media and Discourse E ENGL7104 Global Shakespeare E ENGL7105 Intercultural Communication E ENGL7106 The Global History of English E ENGL7107 Race in America: The Novels of William Faulkner and Toni Morrison E ENGL7108 Imagining Asia E ENGL7109 Language, Variation across Society and Speakers E ENGL7110 Gender, Discourse and Society E ENGL7111 Worlds of Discourse: Metaphor, Metonymy, and Interpretation E ENGL7112 Global Medieval Literatures E ENGL7113 The Cosmopolitan Stage in the Eighteenth Century E ENGL7114 How To Write E
(see Note (iii) below)
ENGL7115 Analysing Speech E
ENGL7116 Planetary Futures and Imaginaries E ENGL7117 Global Perspectives in (Auto)biographies E Notes:
(i) Students have the option of taking the Graduate School equivalent "GRSC6120 Introduction to Thesis Writing (Humanities)" in lieu of ENGL6070.(ii) Students have the option of taking the Graduate School equivalent "GRSC6104 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Humanities)" or "GRSC6106 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods (Humanities)" in lieu of ENGL7011.
(iii) Pre-requisites of ENGL7114:
- MPhil and PhD students can take this course as an elective from their second year onwards, not before.
- Students who take this course will need to have passed all courses required by the Graduate School (including equivalent ENGL replacement courses “ENGL7011 Research Methods” and “ENGL6070 Introduction to Thesis Writing in English Studies”, and other GRSC courses) and 50% of the course offered by the School of English (i.e. “ENGL6001 Research Seminar”).
School of Humanities
Art History
Requirement - 1 compulsory course, selected from the following:
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)ARTH6002 Research Methods in Art History C
ARTH7001 Art History: Goals, Methods, and Writing C Notes:
(i) Either ARTH6002 or ARTH7001 can be taken in lieu of the compulsory Graduate School Course "GRSC6104 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Humanities)" or "GRSC6106 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods (Humanities)".(ii) HIST6011 can be taken to fulfill the Graduate School’s requirement of a courses on thesis writing. The enrollment will be subject to approval by the Department of History and will be considered on individual basis.
Comparative Literature
Requirement - 3 elective courses from the list below.
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)CLIT6011 Special Topics in Literary and Cultural Studies I E
CLIT6012 Special Topics in Literary and Cultural Studies II E
CLIT6015 Guided Reading I E
CLIT6016 Guided Reading II E
Gender Studies
Requirement - 3 elective courses from the list below.
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)3 courses from the MPhil/4-year PhD curriculum of the Faculty of Arts which coincide with the student's research areas (subject to the approval of the Schools and the Departments) E History
Requirement – 4 compulsory courses from the list below.
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)HIST6001 Philosophy of History C
HIST6002 Historical Documents C
HIST6003 Historical Research Seminar C
HIST6004 Advanced Readings in History C
HIST6011 Introduction to History Thesis Writing E
(i) Depending on the individual student's needs, the supervisor may recommend that a student replace one of the above courses with a course either in a cognate discipline or one offered by the Graduate School, on the condition that the choice of courses should be confined to those available within the MPhil and 4-year PhD curricula.(ii) HIST6011 may be taken in lieu of the compulsory Graduate School Course “GRSC6120 Introduction to Thesis Writing (Humanities)”. Neither course is counted towards fulfilling the departmental coursework requirement of 4 compulsory courses. History RPg students are strongly advised to take HIST6011.
(iii) HIST6002 can be taken in lieu of the compulsory Graduate School Course "GRSC6104 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Humanities)" or "GRSC6106 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods (Humanities)".
Requirement - 2 compulsory courses and 2 elective courses from the list below.
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)LING7501 Research Seminars in Linguistics I C
LING7502 Research Seminars in Linguistics II C
LING6001 Research Methods in Linguistics E LING6010 Readings in Linguistics E
LING6012 Special Topics in Linguistics E
LING2071 Introductory statistics for the humanities E LING2072 Advanced statistics for the humanities E A course from another department's MPhil/4-year PhD curriculum E
(i) LING6001 can be taken in lieu of the compulsory Graduate School Course "GRSC6104 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Humanities)" or "GRSC6106 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods (Humanities)". LING2071/LING2072 can be taken in lieu of the compulsory Graduate School Course "GRSC6104 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Humanities)". Linguistics RPg students are strongly advised to take LING6001, LING2071 or LING2072.(ii) If LING6001, LING2071 and LING2072 are to be taken in lieu of the Graduate School courses, they have to be completed by the end of the probationary period.
Requirement - 1 compulsory course.
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)MUSI7001 Research Methods in Music C
MUSI7001 can be taken in lieu of the compulsory Graduate School Course "GRSC6104 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Humanities)" or "GRSC6106 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods (Humanities).Philosophy
Requirement - 2 compulsory courses.
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)PHIL6820 Graduate Seminar in Research Methods C
PHIL6830 Special Topics in Philosophy
(Exceptionally, a course from the MPhil/PhD syllabus of another department may be selected in place of the above.)
PHIL6820 can be taken in lieu of the compulsory Graduate School Course "GRSC6104 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Humanities)" or "GRSC6106 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods (Humanities)".School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Requirement - 2 compulsory courses.
(Students may also take up two further courses from another School, if given permission by their supervisor and the Chair of the DRPC. However, passing such additional courses does not form part of the coursework requirement of the School.)Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)SMLC7002 Research Colloquium I C
SMLC7003 Research Methods (The Humanities and Area Studies) E
SMLC7021 Research Colloquium II C
A course from another School's MPhil/4-year PhD curriculum E
(i) SMLC7003 can be taken in lieu of the compulsory Graduate School Course "GRSC6104 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Humanities)" or "GRSC6106 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods (Humanities)". SMLC RPg students are strongly advised to take SMLC7003.
(ii) If SMLC7003 is to be taken in lieu of the Graduate School course, it has to be completed by the end of the probationary period.
(iii) In view that SMLC7003 is a directed study course under the individual supervision of the students' advisors, it will be offered to the MPhil/PhD within the School only.
Centre of Buddhist Studies
Requirement - Any 3 elective courses from the list below. Selection of courses should be decided in consultation with students' supervisors and with their prior approval.
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)Courses from the Master of Buddhist Studies (MBuddhStud) programme E
Courses from the Master of Buddhist Counselling (MBC) programme E
Courses from another department's MPhil/4-year PhD curriculum relevant to the candidate's research E
HKU Business School
[Details of courses offered in Semester 2, 2024/25 are available here.]
- For students registered in or after September 2024
- For students registered between September 2023 and August 2024
- For students registered between September 2022 and August 2023
- For students registered between September 2021 and August 2022
- For students registered between September 2018 and August 2021
- For students registered before September 2018
Faculty of Dentistry
[Details of courses offered in Semester 2, 2024/25 are available here.]
Requirement - 3 compulsory courses
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)DENT6023 Oral Epidemiology and Clinical Research Methodology C
DENT6024 Introduction to Statistical Analysis in Dental Research C
DENT6025 Multivariable Statistical Analysis in Dental Research and Use of Statistical Software C
Faculty of Education
[Details of courses offered in Semester 2, 2024/25 are available here.]
(Please refer to the Faculty's website for syllabuses.)
For all areas of study except for Speech and Hearing Sciences (and other specified areas, if any)
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Law
[Details of courses offered in Semester 2, 2024/25 are available here.]
(Applicable to students from 2022/23 cohort and thereafter)
Requirement - 1 compulsory course and 2 elective courses from the list of research methodology courses below.
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)LLAW7001 Research Seminar C
LLAW6306 The Economic Analysis of Law E LLAW6313 Law as Data * E LLAW6315 Theories and Methods on Law & Society E
LLAW7002 Design and Methods for Qualitative Legal Research E
LLAW7003 Graduate Research Seminar E *Formerly known as "Quantitative Analysis of Law"
Notes:LLAW7001 can be taken in lieu of Module 2 of compulsory Graduate School coursework requirements, i.e. GRSC6104, GRSC6105, GRSC6106 and GRSC6107.
LKS Faculty of Medicine
[Details of courses offered in Semester 2, 2024/25 are available here.]
Requirement - 3 elective Faculty/Departmental-based courses from the list below.
Course Code Course Title Contributing
Department(s)/ School(s)MMPH6196 Cell Metabolism Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6205 Current Therapeutic Strategies for Metabolic Diseases Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6119 Current Topics in Medical Microbiology Microbiology, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6120 Assisted Reproduction Technology (Laboratory) Obstetrics & Gynaecology, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6147 Research Seminars in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Obstetrics & Gynaecology, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6186 Research Methodologies in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Obstetrics & Gynaecology, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6124 Advancements in Biomedical Engineering Orthopaedics & Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6001 Laboratory Methods and Instrumentation Pathology, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6016 General Cytopathology Pathology, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6020 Molecular Medicine [Joint course offered under HKU, CUHK and HKUST] Pathology, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6139 Techniques and Applications of Molecular Pathology Pathology, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6140 Molecular Genetics and Cytogenetics of Cancer Pathology, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6176 Current Topics and Techniques in Immunology Pathology, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6127 Principles of Drug Action Pharmacology & Pharmacy
MMPH6172 Advances in Vascular Biology and Therapeutics Pharmacology & Pharmacy
MMPH6185 Advanced Drug Delivery and Drug Development Pharmacology & Pharmacy
MMPH6022 Therapeutic Antibodies Pharmacology & Pharmacy MMPH6194 Neurocognitive Dysfunctions in Psychosis Psychiatry, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6198 Descriptive Psychopathology Psychiatry, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6200 Introduction to Psychotic Disorders: Epidemiology and Aetiology Psychiatry, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6203 Psychosocial Interventions for Psychosis Psychiatry, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6204 Specialized Case Intervention for Psychosis Psychiatry, School of Clinical Medicine
MMPH6171 HKU-Pasteur Virology Course HKU-Pasteur Research Pole MMPH6174 HKU-Pasteur Immunology Course HKU-Pasteur Research Pole MMPH6175 HKU-Pasteur Cell Biology Course HKU-Pasteur Research Pole MMPH6187 Current Research and Development of Chinese Medicines School of Chinese Medicine MMPH6002 Introduction to Biostatistics School of Public Health MMPH6003 Introduction to Epidemiology School of Public Health MMPH6106 Advanced Epidemiological Methods I School of Public Health MMPH6108 Principles of Public Health School of Public Health MMPH6109 Health Behaviour and Communication School of Public Health MMPH6116 Health Economics School of Public Health MMPH6117 Advanced Statistical Methods I School of Public Health MMPH6146 Health Policy and Politics School of Public Health MMPH6150 Advanced Statistical Methods II School of Public Health MMPH6157 Intermediate Epidemiology School of Public Health MMPH6159 The Practice of Public Health School of Public Health MMPH6164 Risk: Perception, Decisions and Communication School of Public Health MMPH6167 Infectious Disease Epidemiology School of Public Health MMPH6168 Infectious Disease Modelling School of Public Health MMPH6170 Resources for Health School of Public Health MMPH6173 Personalised Public Health School of Public Health MMPH6178 Health Informatics School of Public Health MMPH6189 Environmental Health Hazards and Interventions School of Public Health MMPH6206 Emerging Infectious Diseases and "One Health" School of Public Health MMPH6207 Infectious Diseases in Public Health School of Public Health MMPH6005 Practical Bioinformatics School of Biomedical Sciences MMPH6007 Advanced Cell Biology School of Biomedical Sciences MMPH6008 Genes and Gene Functions in Diseases School of Biomedical Sciences MMPH6009 Integrative Perspectives of Body Functions School of Biomedical Sciences MMPH6134 Biomedical Sciences Seminar School of Biomedical Sciences MMPH6149 Recent Advances in Biomedical Technology School of Biomedical Sciences Note:
For research postgraduate students in the School of Public Health, MMPH6002 Introduction to Biostatistics can be taken in lieu of GRSC6105 Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Sciences) or GRSC6107 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods (Sciences) but it will not be counted towards fulfilling the coursework requirement of 3 core courses of the Medical Faculty.
All other students will need to formally apply for course exemption to have MMPH6002 replace GRSC6105/6107. Faculty of Science
[Details of courses offered in Semester 2, 2024/25 are available here.]
SSAF6001 Basic Laboratory Safety Course for RPg Candidate in the Faculty of Science
In order to enhance the safety awareness and knowledge of Science RPg students, this 3-hour safety course (SSAF6001), offered by the Safety Office, is a compulsory course to all Science RPg students (MPhil & 3-year PhD & 4-year PhD candidates).
This safety course will be conducted twice a year (one in each semester). Students may register this course during the on-line course enrolment period and they will be informed of the schedule via email. SSAF6001 is treated as an independent course of the Faculty that RPG candidates are required to complete before the candidature could be confirmed. Departmental courses only refers to departmental core and elective courses, in other words, completing at least 50% of departmental courses does not count SSAF6001.
The course will cover general laboratory safety, specific laboratory hazards, fire safety, risk assessment and safety regulations. Non-lab students (MATH & SAAS) are only required to attend the following topics and NOT required to take the quiz:
• Introduction to Safety Management
• Occupational Health Issues
• Fire Safety; Electrical Safety
School of Biological Sciences
(Please refer to the School's website for syllabuses.)
(For students in E&B Area: SSAF6001, 2 compulsory and 2 elective courses)
(For students in MCB Area: SSAF6001, 1 compulsory and 2 elective courses)
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)SSAF6001 Basic Laboratory Safety Course for RPg Candidate in the Faculty of Science C
Presentation Skills and Research Seminars in Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL8022 Science Communication C* BIOL8023 Topics in Ecology & Biodiversity C* BIOL6002
Special Topics in Botany
Special Topics in Biotechnology
Biostatistics (students who plan to undertake ecological research and have not previously passed BIOL6007 must take this course during the first year of their postgraduate studies)
Advanced Studies in Ecology & Biodiversity for Postgraduate Students
Guided Study in Molecular and Cell Biology
Advanced Experimental Techniques in Molecular and Cell Biology
BIOL8017 Advanced Studies in Environmental Sciences E
BIOL8018 ‘Omics’ and Systems Biology E ^For students in the Research Division for Molecular and Cell Biology. Except for those 3-year PhD students who have completed comparable coursework in a previous Master's Programme
* For students in the Research Division for Ecology and Biodiversity. Except for those 3-year PhD students who have completed comparable coursework in a previous Master's Programme
Department of Chemistry
(Please refer to the departmental website for syllabuses)
Requirement - SSAF6001, 1 compulsory and 2 elective courses
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)SSAF6001 Basic Laboratory Safety Course for RPg Candidate in the Faculty of Science C
CHEM6101 Chemistry Seminars C
CHEM6102 Research Techniques in Chemistry E
CHEM6103 Special Topics in Chemistry E
CHEM6108 Introduction to Macromolecules E
CHEM6109 Computational Chemistry E CHEM6111 Integrated Organic Synthesis
CHEM6112 Advanced Physical Chemistry E
CHEM6113 Medicinal Chemistry E
CHEM6114 Advanced Organic Chemistry E
CHEM6115 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry E CHEM6116 Symmetry, Group Theory and Applications E CHEM6117 Modern Chemical Instrumentation and Applications E CHEM6118 Frontiers in Modern Chemical Science E
Department of Earth Sciences(Please refer to the departmental website for syllabuses)
Requirement - SSAF6001, 1 compulsory and 2 elective courses
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)SSAF6001 Basic Laboratory Safety Course for RPg Candidate in the Faculty of Science C
EASC6001 Research Seminars and Presentation of Thesis Proposal C
EASC6005 Advanced Regional Geology E
EASC6006 Special Topics in Earth and Planetary Sciences E
EASC6007 Mass Extinctions E EASC6008 Solid Earth Geophysics E EASC6009 Evolving Earth Systems E EASC6010 Nanogeoscience E EASC6011 The Art of Scientific Presentations E EASC6012 Seminar in Planetary Sciences E Department of Mathematics
(Please refer to the departmental website for syllabuses)
MPhil students: SSAF6001, 1 compulsory and 3 elective courses
PhD students: SSAF6001, 1 compulsory and 4 elective courses
For students enrolled before Jan 2015: SSAF6001, 1 compulsory and 3 elective coursesCourse Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)SSAF6001 Basic Laboratory Safety Course for RPg Candidate in the Faculty of Science C
MATH6001 Guided Study in Mathematics C
MATH6002 Selected Topics in Mathematics E
MATH6014 Topics in Advanced Numerical Analysis E MATH6015 Topics in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning E MATH6101 Intermediate Complex Analysis E
MATH6102 Algebraic Topology E
MATH6103 Real Analysis I E
MATH6104# Abstract Algebra E
MATH6105 Numerical Analysis E
MATH6201 Topics in Geometry E
MATH6202 Complex Manifolds E
MATH6203 Several Complex Variables E
MATH6204 Topics in Partial Differential Equations E
MATH6205 Advanced Algebra II E
MATH6206 Topics in Advanced Algebra E
MATH6207 Topics in Applied Mathematics E
MATH6208 Topics in Numerical Analysis E
MATH6209 Algebraic D-modules E
MATH6210 Differential Topology E
MATH6211 Algebraic Geometry E
MATH6212 Topics in Algebraic Geometry E
MATH6213 Topics in Differential Topology E
MATH6214 Topics in Analysis E
MATH6215 Applied Differential Equations E
MATH6216 Stochastic Processes E
MATH6217 Topics in Financial Mathematics E
MATH6218 Riemannian Geometry I E
MATH6219 Topics in Applied Functional Analysis E
MATH6220 Real Analysis II E
MATH6221 Riemannian Geometry II E
MATH6222 Harmonic Analysis on P-adic Groups and Lie Algebra E
MATH6223 Algebraic Surfaces E
MATH6224 Topics in Advanced Probability Theory E
MATH6901 Graduate Seminar in Pure Mathematics E
MATH6902 Graduate Seminar in Applied Mathematics E
MATH6903 Independent Studies E
MATH6501 Topics in Algebra E
MATH6502 Topics in Applied Discrete Mathematics E
MATH6503 Topics in Advanced Optimization E
MATH6504 Geometric Topology E
MATH6505 Real Analysis E
Department of Physics
(Please refer to the departmental website for syllabuses)
Requirement - SSAF6001, 1 compulsory and 3 elective courses
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)SSAF6001 Basic Laboratory Safety Course for RPg Candidate in the Faculty of Science C
PHYS8950 Postgraduate Seminar C
PHYS8001 Selected Topics in Computational Modelling and Data Analysis in Physics E
PHYS8002 Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics E
PHYS8202 Special Topics in Physics (NEW 2024-25) E PHYS8351 Graduate Quantum Mechanics E
PHYS8450 Graduate Electromagnetic Field Theory E
PHYS8550 Graduate Statistical Mechanics E
PHYS8552 Condensed Matter Physics E PHYS8654 General Relativity E
PHYS8656 Topics in astrophysics E PHYS8701 Physics Experimental Technique E
PHYS8750 Nanophysics E
PHYS8852 Photonics and Metamaterials E PHYS8352 Quantum Information (NEW 2021-22) E PHYS8751 Device Physics (NEW 2021-22) E School of Computing and Data Science
[Details of courses offered in Semester 2, 2024/25 are available here.]
FOSS6100 A Practical Guide to Social Science Research (Elective course offered to RPg students in the Faculty of Social Sciences)
The elective seminar synergizes general methodological training and individual tutoring, aiming to offer MPhil and PhD students practical suggestions on their dissertation studies. This course proceeds in three stages. First, the instructor, guest speakers, and students work together to identify cutting-edge topics for dissertation research. Then, the seminar examines the epistemological foundations and analytic tools of qualitative and quantitative methods concerning the selected topics. Lastly, the class works on the grueling journal publication process, with all students acting as each other’s peer reviewers.
- Department of Geography
- Department of Politics & Public Administration
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Social Work & Social Administration
- Department of Sociology
- Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities & Social Sciences (Inc. the Centre of Asian Studies)
Journalism & Media Studies Centre
Requirement: 1 compulsory course and 1 to 2 elective course(s) from the Master of Journalism Programme.
Course Code Course Title Compulsory (C)/
Elective (E)JMSC6055 Research Methods for Media Studies C FOSS6100 A Practical Guide to Social Science Research E
Independent Research Unit
Musketeers Foundation Institute of Data Science
[Details of courses offered in Semester 2, 2024/25 are available here.]
For MPhil students
1. Undertaking at least three regular courses, with one course from each of the categories (i.e., one course in Foundation, one course in Computation, and one course in Application); and
2. Attending at least ten of the seminars organised by the IDS over the entire study period.
For 4-year PhD students
1. Undertaking at least five courses, inclusive of both regular or elective courses offered by the HKU IDS (i.e., at least one course in Foundation, one course in Computation, one course in Application, and two courses from either one of the categories; and
2. Attending at least ten seminars organised in each academic year.
# pending approval
Faculty/School/Departmental courses are offered and arranged by individual Faculties. For further details of coursework requirements and courses, students are advised to consult their home Faculty.
Faculty/Departmental Courses Offered by Other Faculties/Departments
To allow students to acquire knowledge in other disciplines, Faculty/Departmental postgraduate courses are available to RPg students. Please refer to the above section for details of courses offered by individual Faculties in Semester 2, 2024/25. To apply for courses offered by other Faculties/Departments that are not available for selection in SIS, students should submit the form “Application for Change of Faculty/Departmental Course Enrolment (55/1122) amended” to your home Faculty Office no later than two weeks after the commencement of the course, unless otherwise required by individual Faculties. Enrolment shall be considered on a case-by-case basis.